Tuesday, 29 January 2013

And so it begins...

Right, new to this whole blogging malarky and tend to associate it with sad pathetic lonely people trying to reach out to others. But after giving it some thought (and dispelling the illusion that I do not belong to this category...) decided that it would be good to create a blog to show off the models I've painted and converted.

I've pretty much been wargaming for around 14 years, having started when I went to Games Workshop at the age of 11 years and bought myself a box of Chaos Space Marines to take home and butcher them with a paint brush. Since then I've improved my hobby skills (dramatically) and moved onto other systems/ games which include Warmachine, Firestorm Armada, Malifaux, etc. So expect pictures of models I've put together to be posted up over the next few days.

Also I'll be posting about my games and tournaments I'll be going to, explaining how valiantly I lost against a broken set of rules and how much of a good sportsman I was towards the opponent who beat me :p

So yeah enjoy the pics and don't hesitate to comment on my stuff and criticise as I'm always looking for ways to improve my mad skillz.


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