Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Chaos Lord of Nurgle on Chariot

I had this idea for a Chaos Lord of Nurgle on a Chariot of Chaos years back (I think this was during the Storm of Chaos campaign) and I managed to acquire all the parts of it. This included parts from the old Nurgle palanquin, wheels from the old Skaven Doomwheel and other miscellaneous parts.  However I never knew how to actually have it all stay together as I had pinned the wheels onto a beastmen chariot chassis and it would wobble. It was only until I was told that I could use plasticard shaped as a girder to keep it all together that I was able to complete it last year:

The only problem is that its not WISYWIG as there ain't an extra Chaos Warrior on the chariot but fuck y'all!

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