Sunday, 8 June 2014

UK Games Expo Masters 2014

I went to the UK Games Expo for a Masters Tournament in Birmingham and was I impressed cause the sheer volume of people at the Hilton hotel which was muhassive but also the amount of events they had taking place. It was also quite sad as well cause I was amongst my kind and the dudes, as well as the occasional chick, looked alot like me: bald and bearded. What was even more disconcerting was that they were overweight... I need to start running again. Anyway I digress...

The reason I was there was for the Warmachine/ Hordes Tournament which was 3 x 50 pts lists on the first day and then 2 x 35 pts lists. I wasn't expecting much of myself as its a new army and even now I'm still trying to get used to the faction. On the first day I did alright winning 2 (Menoth and Convergence) and lost 2 (Circle and Cryx). Second day was abysmal losing all 3 and this was down to stupid mistakes on my part. But I have learnt alot especially with Sturm and Drang and what I should be doing especially with his feat. I was right about using him against Hordes and one of the players, Brett, agreed and that I need to be more aggressive with the list. Anyway since then I buttoned down and start painting some models:

These are still a work in progress (just needing washes and highlights) but once they're done will put the proper pics up. With my farrow have decided to go for a garish 80s feel to them with bright colours but am being hella lazy with the skin by drybrushing it. This is gonna look better than most armies fielded anyway so may as well be a bit lazy and have something nicely painted rather than nothing at all.

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